STill Here

I am still trying to reach out to people, who may need my help. Please don’t be ashamed to talk I am truly here for you. I will not give up on helping people. So feel free to leave a comment, I can help.

Helping victims of rape, molestation, or incest.

Helping people has always been a strong passion of mines. I know most people are going to read this and think it’s a joke. I am reaching out to victims who have encountered these terrible acts, by someone they loved or a stranger. I would like to say that you don’t have to hold the pain and hurt inside there is someone else out there who has been through the same thing as you. I am one of those people. I have dealt with this my whole entire life.  I started getting molested at the tender age of eight (at least that’s the age I remember). This  was from a cousin, and then it started with several cousins, and then it went to a person I thought were suppose to protect me, a brother. I got raped at the age of fourteen by my cousins future husband. I share all of that to say this. If you or someone you know has been a victim and are to ashamed to talk to loved ones about this, I am here. I can make my blogs private so no one can see. I just want to help people. Talking to someone really helps, trust me I know.

Hello world!

Hello All,

This is the first time I ever blogged in my life. I wanted to start a blog so I can reach out to people like me. People who are victims of incest, rape, and molestation. I started this blog because a co-worker of mine told me I needed to tell my story, to reach out to people like me. To reach out to those who are to afraid or embarrassed to talk about what happened. I too use to be that person, so scared of what people would think or what my family and friends would think of me. I know how you feel, that is why I would love to be the person to help. I know people are going to say I don’t know you, for all I know you could be a stalker or someone trying to hit on vulnerable people. Just think, if you go see a therapist that will be a stranger that will charge you a load of money, just to listen to you. Just leave a post; I promise I will try my hardest to help.